Electrosteel Castings-Srikalahasthi Works Provides Financial Support to Students Through the Ubharte Sitare Programme


Srikalahasthi: Electrosteel Castings Limited (ECL), a leading manufacturer of ductile iron pipes and fittings globally, has introduced a pioneering initiative under its Corporate Social Responsibility portfolio, the ‘Ubharte Sitare’ programme.

The Ubharte Sitare programme aims to provide financial support and resources to deserving students in schools and junior colleges. The programme is designed to assist those who have exhibited consistent performance and talent in academics and extracurricular areas such as sports, music, and singing.

“Education is a fundamental right for everyone. Our goal is to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder the education and dreams of talented students who have the potential to excel in their respective fields. We believe that by empowering our youth, we are contributing to the sustainable development and long-term prosperity of our society,” stated S N Goswami, CEO of Electrosteel – Srikalahasthi Works.

Through the programme, the organisation will work closely with educational institutions to identify candidates who demonstrate merit and need. Selected students will receive scholarships and funding necessary to continue their higher education.

Electrosteel is dedicated to its effort to support and uplift communities. The Ubharte Sitare programme is a perfect example of its enduring commitment.