Miracle Foundation Creates Miracle For Children Without Parental Care


New Delhi, October 09, 2017: Miracle Foundation India, a non-profit organisation having offices in New Delhi and in Austin, USA, empowers children without parental care to reach their full potential. The NGO is supporting 194 children in higher education. Together with their donors, it has successfully raised funds to send these children to college.

The Foundation strongly believes that education is the single most important factor in breaking the cycle of poverty. By receiving quality education, children are empowered to reach their full potential and become healthy, happy, thriving adults. Educating children without parental care benefits not only the kids themselves, but also the communities in which they live. Plus, children who receive quality education are less likely to engage in crime or require social support from the government, minimising societal costs.

Miracle Foundation brings life-changing care to orphans across India, one of whom is Kalpana. Kalpana grew up at Rourkela children’s home in Odisha and was recently enrolled in college. The Foundation set up a meeting between Kalpana and a career counsellor who helped her discover her passion for nursing. Kalpana is continuing her education with the help of a scholarship funded by the Foundation.

Twenty-four Miracle Foundation donors set up peer-to-peer online donation pages and helped raise some of the funds needed to send these 194 students for higher education. These donors brought in Rs. 13 lakhs in 30 days.

Speaking on this initiative, Caroline Boudreaux, Founder, Miracle Foundation, said, “Miracle Foundation is proud to support Kalpana and 193 other students with scholarships. I am so grateful to our donors for helping raise the funds to send these kids to college. Together we are changing the lives of children by giving them quality education and a bright future.”

Founded on Mother’s Day in 2000, Miracle Foundation’s philosophy is to find a loving family for every orphaned child. And while children are in transition to a family, they are guaranteed quality education, a safe and loving environment, and personalised care so they are healthy and “known.”