Suryodaya Campaigns For Lighting Up A Village Though Crowdfunding Site – Fuel A Dream


FACT: 400 million Indians live in darkness after the sun sets.

FACT: Many villages have not experienced electricity and that defines their life.

Suryodaya appeals to people:

* We want to bring light to these villages.

* We want to do this at a cost of just 710 INR per home.

* If you fund 7100 INR you can light up 10 homes for 3-5 years.

The solar devices that will be used are from a firm called d.light SOLAR. They are world leaders and have been working in villages in Africa for the last 10 years.

The downside of not having light:

light-a-village-picEducation suffers, as kids cannot read. Kerosene lamps come with the danger of fire, injury and even death. Lifestyles are impacted as most work needs to be completed before sunset. The village continues to live in the 19th century as they have minimal access to information and news around them (no radios etc.). Plus, it is expensive, as 10-20 percent of their income goes towards kerosene, which powers most lanterns.

Suryodaya calls for lighting up a village called Sindhuri in remote Maharashtra at a mere cost of INR 710 per home.

How do we do it?

We are looking at tested, solar-powered solutions to bring light to remote villages in rural India. Currently, households with no access to reliable electricity rely on kerosene lamps or candles for light after sunset. These sources of light are dangerous, emit low quality light and are expensive as they have recurring costs. (Each home pitches in with 100 INR to get these devices. We ensure they pay this small amount so that they maintain these devices and take care of them, rather than just treat them as a freebie. Total cost adds up to 810 INR).

Each home gets a combination of two products made by d.light, a global leader in solar-powered solutions for “off-grid” households.

Details of the village:

Sinduri is a village in Maharashtra located close to the borders of both Gujarat and MP. This village has no access to electricity; it lies in a remote northern part of Maharashtra in a district called Nandurbar and has some of the lowest literacy rates in the State. Bringing light to this village will transform the lives of the people.Click on the following link for more details on the project: