Happiest People. Happiest Planet. Happiest Customers. Happiest Business.


Parika Mahajan

What we learn as a child stays with us all our lives. Most of us do not remember the early years of our life — but our earliest experiences may stick with us for years and continue to influence us well into adulthood. If we inculcate sustainable habits today, we will continue to carry the same spirit for future generations. After all, sustainability hinges on the idea of leaving a cleaner and greener planet for the promotion of intergenerational equity.

Until the last decade, we had not realised the massive scale of damage that humans have inflicted on the planet. However, this negative cycle can still be reversed if we muster the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our livelihoods with the mindful use of our limited resources. Together, we must invest in our planet and set the right pace for change.

With a rapidly transforming climate and environment, we are still moving at a much slower pace to combat the dangerous effects of climate change. Our only option now is to invest in the planet and contribute whichever way we can — whether as a nation, a corporate citizen, or as an individual.

As per the UN SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Report on Climate Action, 2019 was the second warmest year and the end of the warmest decade (2010 – 2019) ever recorded.  The pandemic may have halted the increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to various restrictions on man and material movement, but this is only temporary, and the world is again witnessing a rise in emissions as life slowly but surely springs back to ‘normal’.

With a rapidly transforming climate and environment, we are still moving at a much slower pace to combat the dangerous effects of climate change. Our only option now is to invest in the planet and contribute whichever way we can — whether as a nation, a corporate citizen, or as an individual.

“As they say every drop counts, I say every effort counts.”

We need to act boldly, innovate broadly, and implement equitably. It is going to take the cumulative efforts of all because together is the way forward. All in. Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and accountable. A win-win partnership for the planet.

While the major contributing sectors to climate change are transportation, industry, agriculture, land use, and forestry, we, as end consumers, have an equal responsibility to practice sustainability and demonstrate climate change vigilance.

Small steps go a long way. We can start with planting a single tree, composting food waste to make organic fertiliser, installing roof-top solar plants, or simply avoiding the use of plastic. Community-level initiatives such as rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharging, and coming together to feed the hungry are greatly inspirational and contributors to a multiplier effect. Corporates can proactively come together to a mutual agreement and partner with the Government, Foundations, international organisations, academia, NGOs, and UN agencies to implement sustainable solutions with better availability and accessibility of resources.

As corporations or individuals, we can explore options such as alternative energies, carbon offsets, and electric vehicles to invest in the planet and build a sustainable future. Another way to combat climate change is to transition to a low-carbon and resource-wise economy.

Our ESG journey is backed by the incredible zeal to make our planet, our earth a happy place. We have been proactive and resonating with our mission, our core values, which form the acronym SMILES (Sharing, Mindful, Integrity, Learning, Excellence, Social Responsibility), describe our ethos, and guide our sustainable behaviour.

With a vision to design the happiest minds for perpetuity, sustainability is deeply ingrained in our core business decision-making. We believe the happiest people make the happiest planet and the happiest customers and businesses thrive on a happy planet. Sustainable practices are a logical extension of being and doing mindful in our approach to our people, our customers, and the community.

We, at Happiest Minds, have identified key stakeholders and material concerns to guide our sustainability strategic planning processes. This also forms the basis of various ESG initiatives and programmes, each tending to address the identified material issues. Our CSR programme, Circle of Happiness, executes a process for leveraging our capabilities, building a social engagement programme, and contributing to socially relevant causes; d’CARBON (Clean, Assured and Responsible Building of Outcomes towards Neutrality) makes a difference to the environment and aligns corporate values with actions.

Our ESG journey is backed by the incredible zeal to make our planet, our earth a happy place. We have been proactive and resonating with our mission, our core values, which form the acronym SMILES (Sharing, Mindful, Integrity, Learning, Excellence, Social Responsibility), describe our ethos, and guide our sustainable behaviour.

Some of our sustainability initiatives include:

  • Optimum usage of Air Conditioners throughout the premises by ensuring that there is no cool air leakage
  • Installation of rooftop-based solar system
  • Usage of LCD monitors (energy efficient) in place of normal CRT monitors
  • Turning off the air conditioners during non-peak hours and on weekends
  • Usage of treated water to recharge groundwater
  • Installation of sun film to dissipate heat
  • Usage of LED lights for all lighting solutions
  • Turning off lights on all floors when the team is not working

While an individual’s efforts sow seeds of inspiration, the efforts of a group help grow an orchard of hope. Climate action needs to be undertaken at all levels including international, national, local, businesses, academia, and civil society. Empowering people and communities help collective action at the grassroots level.

With climate change becoming increasingly relevant, even financial markets have acknowledged the risks and opportunities presented by rising temperatures. Today, investment decisions are based on climate risks, opportunities, climate-related policy, and emerging green technologies.

Indeed, as we face a global climate emergency, local actions are a must. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) advocates acting at a local level which helps communities fight climate change and build resilience to catastrophic climate impacts. Few ideas that can work at the local level are switching to more sustainable commuting, producing products and food locally, enhancing natural ventilation and reducing the use of energy in buildings, creating wealth from waste, reclaiming green spaces, and implementing the sharing economy.

Reiterating the spirit of Mother Nature, I would like to urge everyone to invest in the planet and reap the benefits of a wonderful, happy life while being grateful and mindful.

Parika Mahajan is the Global ESG Lead, Happiest Minds Technologies.