Orpat Group Organising Free COVID-19 Rapid Test Camp


Gujarat: Take the test, Stop the Spread, Save Morbi. This is what Orpat Group believes in, and it has taken the initiative of organising a free COVID-19 Rapid Test Camp for ten days starting from April 18, 2021. The Group will also distribute free medicines to the people in need. In these trying times, testing is the need of the hour to curb the spread of this virus and save our society. And on the first day itself, more than 1,000 residents of Morbi took the test. The response by Morbi residents is tremendous and it gives momentum towards achieving the objective of a COVID-free Morbi city.

Orpat Group has always been at the forefront when it comes to lending that helping hand to help society. With this initiative, it aims to get a number of tests to stop the spread of the virus and save Morbi from the COVID-19 virus. This camp will lead to early detection, and treatment can begin promptly. The Group aims for people to come forward and get tested during this camp for a better future. Together we can and will overcome the COVID-19 virus.

Nevil Patel, Director, Orpat Group said, “These are the tough times and the lack of proper testing facilities certainty adds to the COVID challenge. Via our free Rapid Test Camp, we hope that we will be able to help our people and the government try to curtail the impact of the virus while maintaining the mandatory protocols. I encourage more people to visit the Rapid Test Camp and get themselves and their loved ones tested.”

Ajanta-Orpat Group is the first Indian company in the Consumer Electronics Sector that has 95 per cent, i.e., 5000 women employees. Having a plethora of affordable, durable and high quality products, the Group has also been supporting the ‘Make in India’ movement by manufacturing in the country.