New Delhi, January 15, 2021: As the world embraces the new normal, the situation has become worse for children living on streets, for those getting trafficked and abused, for those who are severely malnourished or for girls who get married even before they turned adults. Perhaps, life was never normal for them in the first place. With the pandemic spreading to some of the world’s poorest countries, there is a real danger that the world will see a reversal of the progress made for children over the last two decades and violations of the rights of children.
In the wake of the pandemic affecting various aspects of children’s lives, Leica Camera India, the representatives of Leica Camera AG, an internationally operating, German premium-segment manufacturer of cameras and sport optics products, and Save the Children are joining hands to #ProtectAGeneration and make a difference to the lives of marginalized children in the country.
Leica Camera India conceptualised the idea of ‘Leica 20 of 2020’, wherein numerous Leica users submitted their best shot images of 2020, a year which will always be remembered in history for the COVID-19 pandemic and for introducing us to a new normal in life. In the turbulence of 2020, Leica Storytellers were asked to share what moved them and evoked them to make stories with their cameras.
Accomplished photographer, Leica Ambassador, and first-ever Indian mentor in the history of the Leica Akademie, Vineet Vohraselected top twenty images that reflected the year 2020. “A thought-provoking initiative by Leica Camera India, curating the ‘Leica 20 of 2020’ was challenging. We had a wonderful set of images that came as entries from across India. They capture moments that evoked them to pick up the camera and narrate profound stories of the year gone by. Emotions on how 2020 has rewritten life or impacted families, workers, children, schooling and more, have been captured. The rights of children, their future and more have further been brought into light with some of the images that are featured. This association will certainly help the cause and rewrite the new normal. We are delighted that Leica Camera India has associated with Save the Children for a noble cause,” said Vohra.
Some exemplary works by Bharat Valia, Sudhir Kasliwal, Rajdeepak Das, Anindito Mukherjee, Sumit Basu, PrabhakaranSambandam, Amit Verma, Dr Kausthub Desikachar, ShekharPhalke, Vivek Desai, Nikhil Rawal, NeerajPriyadarshi, Ashish Sulkh, Sunhil Sippy, Shivam Pandey, Ulka Chauhan, Prarthna Bisht and Vrinda Bhatnagar will be available on the gallery and will be on display at the store.
“I took this picture when visiting a remote village for a programme to build schools. A week after I captured this, the country went into lockdown, taking the kids even farther from education. But thanks to Leica and Save the Children initiative, the proceedings from the sale will go to the children. This image completes the circle, where it all started,” said participating photographer, Raj Deepak Das.
Leica Camera India and Save the Children would promote the sales of these photographs thorough the Social Media handles. The sales of the photographs will be conducted online as well as at the store. The proceeds of the sales would be donated by FCE Lifestyles Pvt. Ltd. (The sole representatives of Leica in India) to Save the Children for their work to promote Child Rights.
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